Colloquium in Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
Kangwon National University

Thursday 4:00 - 4:50 PM at Department of Mathematics, 412 Science Hall 2 (unless specified otherwise)

Mathematical Numerical Analysis Special Series Lecture will be regularly given in this semester by Professor Jae-Hong Pyo every day , 1:00-3:00 PM, from Jun. 13 to Aug. 24 2007.
Mathematical Finance Special Series Lecture will be regularly given in this semester by Professor Jae-pill Oh every Wendesday 10;55-12:00 AM




3/9/07 ChunJae Park
KonKuk University
Newton Method for Injection Current Nonlinear Encoding (ICNE) in MREIT (Date is adjusted to Friday)
3/14/07 Young Kyung Lee
Kangwon National University
A Simple Estimator Error Correlation in Nonparametric Models
3/21/07 Hyung Suk Kang
Kangwon National University
Extended Surface or Fin for an Enhancement of Heat Transfer
3/29/07 Young-Hee Park
Kangwon National University
Plate Tectonics, Paleomagnetism and Mathematics
4/5/07 ByeongDo Kim
Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle
Coding Theory on Network
4/12/07 Jaiok Roh
Hallym University
Dynamics of yhe g-Navier-Stokes equations
4/26/07 Ho Sam Ki
KIS Pricing, INC
Pricing Information on Individual Bond
5/3/07 Kang Il Lee
Kangwon National University
Prediction of the Size of a Thermal Lesion in Soft Tissue during HIFU Treatment
5/10/07 Yoon Tae Kim
Hallym University
Stochastic calculus with respect to fractioal Browinan Sheet
5/17/07 Jae-Hong Pyo
Kangwon National University
Optimal error estiamte for semi-discrete Gauge-Uzawa method for the Navier-Stokes equations
5/31/07 Jae Won Lee
Kumoh National Institute Technology
The view and preparations for actuaries of the inside and outside of Korea in Mathematics students
6/7/07 Joonhee Lee
Soongsil University
Risky Bond Pricing under the Change of Filtration

Please send comments and suggestions to the seminar coordinator. Rhee070607.hwp